Could Dirty Carpet Be Causing Your Allergies?

While you might be tempted to blame how you feel on the common cold, symptoms such as sneezing, a stuffy nose, itchy skin, unexplained rashes, watery eyes and coughing or wheezing are all commonly associated with allergies. Even though your healthcare professional can prescribe antihistamines and decongestants to help, allergies tend to be difficult to treat. This is mainly because the substances that cause an allergic response in the body are so small they are often undetectable to the naked eye. Also known as allergens, most doctors recommend that sufferers should try to avoid or limit their exposure to them.

The impact of allergens in carpets

Since allergens are so small, they can easily hide in plain sight, making detection and avoidance nearly impossible! One of the most frequently overlooked sources of hidden allergens in your home or office happens to be right beneath your feet! Carpets easily attract and trap allergens such as pet dander, pollen, moulds, and dust mites deep within its fibres. These tiny particles are then released into the air whenever we walk or sit on the carpet!

Infants and small children are especially susceptible to the allergens that are commonly found in most carpets as their entire bodies, including their immune systems, are immature and still growing. Their hands and faces are also more likely to have up-close, direct contact with your carpet as they run, jump, play, roll and even wrestle with one another directly on the surface of the carpet.

To clean or replace carpets?

If your allergies are really getting the best of you and those that visit your home or office, you might be tempted to just rip up and throw away all of your carpets.  Unfortunately this is not really an effective remedy as doing so can leave you with rooms that are uncomfortable and unattractive. Thankfully, a good professional carpet cleaning by the experts at Wizard Cleaning means that property owners in Melbourne and the surrounding areas don’t have to resort to doing anything so drastic to get rid of those pesky allergens!

How steam cleaning clears allergens.

Our steam carpet cleaning penetrates into the deepest core of your carpet’s fibres, loosening and then removing hidden allergens as well as dirt and the odour-causing grime and germs that can stain your carpet and leave it looking and smelling a mess! By removing these substances, the allergens that were previously hiding in the carpet are now neutralised, leaving your carpet looking and smelling fresh and clean!

In addition to being an easy, safe way to both sanitise and deodorise your space, our professional carpet cleaning services are affordable as well. It’s currently just $60 to steam clean the carpet in three rooms. The budget friendly benefits of steam cleaning don’t end with carpets, as we also offer professional cleaning for your duct work, upholstery and tiled and grouted surfaces of your home or office as well!

Whether you have a commercial or residential property, why not take steps to preserve your investment and improve your comfort level and enjoyment of your space? Contact Wizard Cleaning today to learn more about how professional steam cleaning can help you to rest and breathe easier!